Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | One Word Substitutions | Synonyms and Antonyms - EDesk Job eTutorials Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | One Word Substitutions | Synonyms and Antonyms - EDesk Job eTutorials



Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | One Word Substitutions | Synonyms and Antonyms

One Word Substitutions | Synonyms | Antonyms

Substitutions Synonyms Antonyms

One Word Substitutions

A man whose wife has died is called a 
- Widower. 
The word ‗omnipotent‘ refers to one who has
- The total power. 
Theocracy is the rule of
- The Church. 
A place where everything is perfect is called
- Utopia. 
The doctor who treats cancer in a/an
- Oncologist. 
A person who writes and edits dictionaries is called a
- Lexicographer. 
The study of religion is called
- Theology. 
A person who writes about his own life writes a/an
- Autobiography. 
A person leaves his or her country to settle in another country is called
- Emigrant. 
One who is present everywhere
 – Omnipresent 
One who knows everything
- Omniscient 
One who is easily deceived 
–  Gullible. 
One who loves mankind 
–  Philanthropist. 
One who hates mankind 
– Misanthrope. 
One who looks on the bright side of things 
– Optimist. 
One who copies from other writers 
–  Plagiarist. 
One who hates women
 –  Misogynist. 
A Government by the people  
–  Democracy. 
A Government by the officials 
–  Bureaucracy. 
A Government by the rich 
–  Plutocracy. 
A sentence whose meaning is unclear 
–  Ambiguous. 
A place where orphans live
–  Orphanage. 
That which cannot be avoided 
– Inevitable. 
Practice of having several wives 
–  Polygamy. 
Practice of having several husbands 
–  Polyandry. 
Practice of having one wife or husband 
–  Monogamy. 
People who work together
–  Colleagues. 
One who eats too much 
– Glutton. 
A flesh eating animal 
– Carnivorous. 
A grass eating animal 
– Herbivorous. 
One who lives in a foreign country
– Immigrant. 
A study of man
– Anthropology. 
A study of animals 
– Zoology. 
A study of ancient things 
– Archaeology. 
Murder of a human being 
– Homicide. 
Murder of a father 
– Patricide. 
Murder of a mother 
– Matricide. 
Murder of a brother 
– Fratricide. 
Murder of an infant 
– Infanticide. 
Murder of self 
– Suicide. 
Murder of a king 
– Regicide. 
To free somebody from all blame 
– Exonerate. 
To write under a different name 
– Pseudonym
A handwriting that cannot be read 
– Illegible. 
Words written on the tomb of a person 
– Epitaph. 
One who doesn't know how to read and write 
– Illiterate. 
Violating the sanctity of a church 
– Sacrilege.

Synonyms and Antonyms


The similar word of ‗Appall‘ is
- Dismay. 
The synonym of the word ‗stubborn‘ is
- Obdurate. 
The synonym of ‗shun‘ is
- Avoid 
The synonym of the word ‗farcical‘ is
- ridiculous. 
The similar word of ‗astute‘ is
- Ingenious. 
The synonym of the word ‗impermeable‘ is
- impenetrable. 
The synonym of the word ‗mix‘ is
- blend. 
The synonym of ‗adore‘ is
- worship. 
He could not deny that.‘ In this sentence, the word deny is similar to
- refuse. 
The synonym of ‗sagacious‘ is
- judicious. 
The synonym of ‗lagoon‘ is
- lake. 
The synonym of the word ‗remarkable‘ is
- noteworthy. 
The word ‗academic‘ is similar to 
– scholastic. 
The synonym of ‗initiative‘ is
- enterprise. 
The synonym of ‗crime‘ is
- offence. 
The synonym of ‗stringent‘ is
- rigorous. 
The synonym of ‗sanguine‘ is
- cheerful. 
The synonym of the word ‗competent‘ is
- able. 
The synonym of the word ‗subsequent‘ is 
– consequent. 
The word ‗synopsis‘ is similar to the word
- summary. 
The synonym of ‗mouthwatering‘ is
- delicious. 
The synonym for the word ‗mystery‘ is
- enigma. 
The synonym of the word ‗magnificent‘ is 
– splendid. 
The synonym of the word ‗tenuous‘ is
- thin. 
The synonym of the word ‗diversity‘ is
- variety. 
The similar word of the word ‗defraud‘ is
- cheat. 
The word ‗remember‘ is similar to
- recollects. 
The synonym of ‗isolation‘ is
- separation. 
The synonym of the word ‗penalty‘ is
- punishment. 
The word ‗sacred‘ is similar to the word
- divine. 
The synonym of the word ‗incredible‘ is
- unbelievable. 
The word ‗neglect‘ is synonymous to
- carelessness. 
The similar word of ‗panic‘ is
- horror. 
The synonym of the word ‗gain‘ is
- advantage. 
The synonym of the word ‗opinion‘ is
- belief. 
The synonym of the word ‗vacant‘ is
- blank. 
The word ‗benign‘ is similar to
- kind. 
The synonym of ‗Franchise‘ is 
- privilege. 
The similar word for ‗Appended‘ is 
- joined. 
The synonym of the word ‗Alluring‘
- tempting. 
The synonym of the word ‗proviso‘
The word ‗venerate‘ is similar to the word 
- Respect. 
The synonym of the word ‗Exponentially‘ 
- Rapidly. 
The synonym of the word ‗periphery‘ is
- Marginal areas. 
The synonym of the word ‗Authoritarian‘ is
- Autocratic. 
The synonym of the word ‗permissive‘ is
- liberal. 
The word ‗Succumb‘ is similar to
- submit. 
The similar word of ‗Extempore‘ is
- Impromptu. 
The similar word of ‗Menacing‘ is
- Alarming. 
The synonym of the word ‗Courteous‘ is 
- gracious. 
The synonym of the word ‗Sporadic‘ is 
- Scattered . 
The synonym of the word Omnipotent‘ is
- Supreme. 
The similar word for ‗Condemn‘ is 
- Denounce. 
The synonym of the word ‗Improvement‘ is 
- Betterment. 
The synonym of the word ‗pragmatic‘ 
- practical. 
The synonym of the word ‗precedence‘ 
- priority. 
The similar word of ‗Disinterested‘ is 
- Neutral. 
The synonym of ‗Bounty‘ is
- generosity. 
The synonym of ‗Magnanimous
- generous. 
The synonym of the word ‗Gullible‘ is
- willing to believe everyone. 
The similar word of ‗Viable
- that can be done.


The antonym of the word ‗Dearth is
- Abundance. 
The antonym of the word ‗Frugal
- splendid. 
The opposite word of ‗barren
- isfertile. 
The opposite of ‗Gentle
- Rude. 
The opposite word of ‗Supercilious 
- affable. 
The antonym of ‗corruption; is
- transparency. 
The antonym of ‗scarcity is
- abundance. 
The opposite word of ‗elaborate‘ is
- simple. 
The antonym of the word ‗vertex‘ is
- trough. 
The antonym of ‗benign‘ is 
– malignant. 
The antonym of the word ‗prodigal‘ is
- thrifty. 
The opposite word of ‗shabby‘ is
- new. 
The opposite of ‗even number‘ is 
– odd number. 
The opposite word of ‗sluggish‘ is
- animated. 
The antonym of the word ‗recondite‘ is
- manifest. 
The opposite of ‗exonerate‘ is
- convict. 
The opposite of ‗foolish‘ is
- clever. 
The antonym of ‗insipid‘ is
- exiting. 
The opposite word of ‗delete‘ is
- insert. 
The antonym of the word ‗unwitting‘ is
- intentional. 
The opposite of ‗gentle‘ is 
– harsh. 
The opposite of ‗optimist‘ is 
– pessimist. 
The opposite of ‗purchase‘ is – sell. 
The antonym of the word ‗friendship‘ is 
– enmity. 
The antonym of the word ‗panic‘ is
- relax. 
The antonym of ‗famous is
- obscure. 
The opposite word of ‗liability‘ is 
- asset. 
The opposite of ‗innocence‘ is
- experience. 
The antonym of the word ‗hybrid‘ is
- purebred. 
The antonym of the word ‗queer is 
- orderly. 
The opposite of the word ‗expel is 
– admit. 
The antonym of ‗somber‘ is
- bright. 
The antonym of ‗limpid‘ is
- muddy. 
The opposite of ‗Indifference
- ardor. 
The opposite of ‗Inimical
- Friendly. 
The antonym of the word ‗Recalcitrant
- Compliant. 
The antonym of ‗Hate is
- Admire. 
The opposite of the word ‗Repeal
- Enact. 
The antonym of the word ‗Equity
- Bias. 
The opposite word of ‗Oblige
- Bother. 
The opposite of ‗Cynical is 
- Gullible. 
The antonym of ‗Initiative is
- apathy. 
The antonym of the word ‗transitory is
- permanent. 
The antonym of the word ‗nadir is
- zenith.


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