Exam Suggestion Subject English short suggestion Analogy and Literature - EDesk Job eTutorials Exam Suggestion Subject English short suggestion Analogy and Literature - EDesk Job eTutorials



Exam Suggestion Subject English short suggestion Analogy and Literature

 Analogy and Literature

English Analogy and Literature


harm: damage:---- injure: incapacitate. 
Tiger: zoology::mars:--- astronomy. 
Word: writer::batter:----baker. 
Distort: twist---harmonize: balance. 
Trigger is to ‗pistol as ‗button is to----- elevator. 
Painter‘ is to ‗canvas as ‗carpenter is to----- ‗wood. 
Hospital: patient:----restaurant: customer. 
Sky is to ‗bird as water is to ‗fish. 
Beautiful: ugly:----joy: sorrow. 
Class: student:----team: player.
After: before::----successor: predecessor. 
Light: blind:----speech: dump. 
Optimist is to ‗cheerful as ‗pessimist is to-----gloomy. 
Constitution: preamble:---- book: preface. 
Degree: temperature------- ounce: weight. 
Words: writer---butter: backer.


The Rape of the lock by Alexander Pope is a/an— 
Ans. Mock-heroine poem. 
Robert Frost is an
Ans. American poet. 
William Shakespeare is born in— 
Ans. 1564. 
Tennyson's ‗In Memoriam is an elegy in the death of--- 
Ans. Arthur Henry Hallan. 
Sweet Helen make me immortal with a kiss The sentence has been taken from the play--- 
Ans. Doctor Faustus. 
What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet- Who said this? 
Ans. Juliet. 
Man's love is of man's life a thing apart., ‗Tis woman's whole existence. This is taken from the poem of— 
Ans. Lord Byron. 
Who translated the ‗Rubaiyat of Omar Khaiyyam into English?
Ans. Edward Fitzgerald. 
Ulysses is a novel written by
Ans. James Joyce. 
Who wrote the short story ‗The Diamond Necklace?
Ans. Guy De Maupassant. 
All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand- Who said this? 
Ans. Lady Macbeth. 
Where are the songs of Spring ? Aye , where are they? Think not of them, thou hast they music too?- Who wrote this? 
Ans. John Keats. 
Who is the central character of ‗Wuthering Height by Emily Bronte? 
Ans. Heathcliff. 
The old order changeth, yielding place to new. –This line is extracted from Tennyson's poem— 
Ans. Morte d Arthur. 
Who wrote the poem ‗ The Good Marrow?
Ans. John Donne. 
If winter comes , can spring be far behind? these lines were written by— 
Ans. P. B. Shelly. 
The novel ‗David Copperfield belongs to the – 
Ans. Victorian Period. 
Who is the author of ‗ A Farewell to Arms? 
Ans. Earnest Hemingway. 
What type of book is ‗The Rainbow?
Ans. A novel by D. H. Lawrence. 
Sweets are the uses of adversity – this proverbial words occur in Shakespeare's— 
Ans. As you like it. 
Who is the celebrated mockheroic poet in English literature? 
Ans. Alexander Pope. 
Who wrote the book ‗To Daffodils?
Ans. Robert Herrick. 
A Passage to India is a— 
Ans. Novel by E. M. Foster. 
Who wrote the drama ‗Twelfth Night ‗? 
Ans. William Shakespeare. 
Who wrote the book ‗ Odyssey and The Iliad? 
Ans. Homer. 
What is called the ‗A Poem of fourteen lines? 
Ans. A sonnet. 
The child shows the man , as morning shows the day -here the sentence contains--- 
Ans. Simile. 
The word ‗climax means- - 
Ans. Height of the plot. 
Helen is the heroine of – 
Ans. Iliad. 
The main character in ‗Paradise Lost is – 
Ans. Satan. 
Who writes ‗The Treasure Island
Ans. Stevenson. 
Who is the modern philosopher who was awarded novel prize for literature? 
Ans. Bertrand Russell. 
Who is the author of ‗India Wins Freedom? 
Ans. Abul Kalam Azad. 
Who wrote the book ‗ Paradise Regained? 
Ans. John Keats. 
What is catastrophe? 
Ans. the tragic end of dramatic events. 
Who is the writer of the poem ‗Patriotism? 
Ans. Sir Walter Scot. 
Who wrote the book ‗The Earnest Hemingway? 
Ans. A Farewell to Arm. 
Who is the writer of the book ‗As You Like It? 
Ans. William Shakespeare. 
Who wrote the book ‗ The Good Earth? 
Ans. Pearl S. Buck. 
Who wrote ‗Of Human Bondage? 
Ans. W. Somerset Maugham. 
To the Light House is written by— 
Ans. Virginia Woolf. 
George Elliot belongs to the— 
Ans. 19th century. 
To be or not to be , that is the question- this quotation is taken from Shakespeare's – 
Ans. Hamlet. 
Who is called the father of Modern English Literature? 
Ans. Chaucer. 
Who is the writer of the book ‗ Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince? 
Ans. J. K. Rawling. 
Who wrote ‗beauty is truth, truth is beauty? 
Ans. John Keats. 
Who was the English poet addicted to opium? 
Ans. S. T. Coleridge. 
Who is called the poet of beauty? 
Ans. John Keats. 
Who is the author of ‗The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner? 
Ans. S.T. Coleridge. 
Jecobean Period of English Literature refers to — 
Ans. 1603-1625. 
Where do the following lines occur in? ―Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide,k wide sea.
Ans. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 
For God's sake hold your tongue, and let me love. This line is written by — 
Ans. John Donne 
Who wrote the play ―The Spanish Tragedy? 
Ans. Thomas Kyd 
R.K. Narayan is a famous English novelist of – 
Ans. India
Which period is known as ―The golden age of English literature? Ans. The Elizabethen age 
Who is the author of ―Man and Superman? 
Ans. G.B. Shaw 
The most famous satirist in English literature is— 
Ans. Jonathan Swift 
The literary term euphemism means— 
Ans. In offensive expression. 
Gerontion is a poem by— 
Ans. T. S. Eliot 
What is Shakespeare's last play? 
Ans. Tempest 
Who has written the poem ―Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard? 
Ans. Thomas Gray 
Who has written the play ‗Volpone?
Ans. Ben Jonson 
Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse? 
Ans. Iambic pentameter 
The repetition of beginning consonant sound is known as— 
Ans. alliteration 
What is a funny poem of five lines called? 
Ans. Limerick. 
Who wrote ―Biographia Literaria? 
Ans. S. T. Coleridge 
Othello gave Desdemona- as a token of love: what will be is the gap? 
Ans. Handkerchief. 
P.B. Shelley's Adonais is an elegy on the death of- 
Ans. John Keats. 
The Sun Also Rises is a novel written by—
Ans.Earnest Hemingway.

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