Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Idioms & Phrases | Word Meanings | Word Formation - EDesk Job eTutorials Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Idioms & Phrases | Word Meanings | Word Formation - EDesk Job eTutorials



Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Idioms & Phrases | Word Meanings | Word Formation

 Idioms & Phrases | Word Meanings | Word Formation

Idioms and PhrasesIdioms and Phrases Word Meanings W Formation

Idioms & Phrases and Word Meanings

The saying ‗ enough is enough‘ is used when you want ---- 
Ans. Something to stop. 
He ran with great speed The underlined Phrase is a – 
Ans. Adverbial phrase. 
What is the meaning of ‗ sibling‘? 
Ans. Brother or sister. 
You look terrific in that dress.‘ In the sentence, what is the meaning of the word ‗terrific‘? 
Ans. Excellent. 
Someone who is capricious is – 
Ans. known for sudden changes in attitude or behavior.
Once in a blue moon‘ means
Ans. Very rarely. 
What is the meaning of the idiom ‗ Take the bull by the horns‘? 
Ans. To challenge the enemy with courage. 
What is the correct meaning of the phrase ‗Greek to‘? 
Ans. Unknown. 
What is the meaning of ‗feel at home‘? 
Ans. Calm and quiet. 
By and large‘ means
Ans. Mostly. 
What is the meaning of the phrase ‗Maiden speech‘? 
Ans. The first speech. 
The meaning of ‗posterity‘ is– 
Ans. Later Generation. 
The word ‗affection‘ means
Ans. Fondness. 
What is the meaning of the phrase ‗in black and white‘? 
Ans. In writing. 
What is the meaning ‗De jure‘? 
Ans. By law. 
What is the meaning of the phrase ‗ Out of the wood‘? 
Ans. free from difficulties. 
What is the meaning of the phrase ‗be all ears‘? 
Ans. listen with great interest and curiosity.
Two heads are better than one‘ means
Ans. Consultation. 
What is the meaning of ‗ Of late‘? 
Ans. Recently. 
What is the meaning of ‗ Look forward‘? 
Ans. Expect with pleasure. 
What is the meaning of the phrase ‗ White elephant‘? 
Ans. A very costly or troublesome possession. 
Call it a day‘ means
Ans. to stop work since enough has been done. 
Look after‘ means
Ans. Take care. 
What is the meaning of the phrase ‗ let things slide‘? 
Ans. Ignore. 
Deficit‘ means
Ans. Shortage. 
De facto‘ means – 
Ans. In reality. 
What is the meaning of ‗bottom line‘? 
Ans. The essential point. 
What is the meaning of the word ‗ensure‘? 
Ans. Make certain. 
A burning question‘ means
Ans. An important question. 
black and blue‘ means
Ans. To beat mercilessly. 
At home‘ means
Ans. Familiar with. 
What is the meaning of the phrase ‗ The birds and the bees‘? 
Ans. The basic facts about sex. 
Milk and water‘ means
Ans. Lifeless, dull. 
What is the meaning of ‗ null and void‘? 
Ans. Annul. 
What is the meaning of the phrase ‗blue blood‘? 
Ans. Aristocratic birth. 
A green horn‘ means
Ans. An inexperienced person. 
The meet trouble half-way‘ means
Ans. To be puzzled. 
Amicable‘ means
Ans. Friendly. 
What is the meaning of the word ‗Asparagus‘? 
Ans. A valuable menu. 
Competent‘ means
Ans. Able. 
What is the correct meaning of the word ‗deliberate‘? 
Ans. Intentional. 
Diversity‘ means – 
Ans. Variety. 
Entreaty‘ means-
Ans. Earnest request. 
What is the meaning of ‗hideously‘? 
Ans. Horribly. 
Mishap‘ means
Ans. Accident. 
What is the meaning of the word ‗nascent? 
Ans. Beginning. 
Pragmatic‘ means
Ans. Practical. 
What is the meaning of the word ‗precedence‘? 
Ans. A matter to deal with. 
Proclaim‘ means
Ans. Announce, declare. 
What is the meaning of the word ‗quorum? 
Ans. Required number. 
Siesta‘ means
Ans. Mid-day sleep. 
Succumb‘ means
Ans. To submit. 
What is the meaning of ‗appraise‘? 
Ans. Inform. 
Tenable‘ means
Ans. Durable.

Word Formation

What is the noun form of the word ‗beautiful‘? 
Ans. Beauty. 
The abstract form of ‗beggar‘ is
Ans. Beggar. 
Noun of the word ‗brief‘- 
Ans. Brevity. 
Abstract form of ‗broad‘ is
Ans. Broadness. 
Abstract noun of ‗long‘ is
Ans. Length. 
Noun of the word ‗poor‘ is
Ans. Poverty. 
The abstract noun of ‗slave‘ is
Ans. Slavery. 
The abstract noun of the word ‗vacant‘ is
Ans. Vacancy. 
The noun form of the word ‗admit‘ is
Admission, admittance. 
The noun form of ‗bless‘ is
Ans. Bliss. Blessing. 
What is the noun form of the word ‗ break‘? 
Ans. Breach, breakdown. 
The noun form of ‗compel‘ is
Ans. Compulsion. 
What is the noun form of ‗Destroy‘? 
Ans. Destruction. 
The noun form of ‗ fly‘ is
Ans. Flight. 
What is the noun form of the word ‗laugh‘? 
Ans. Laughter. 
What will be the noun form of ‗lose‘? 
Ans. Loss. 
The abstract noun of the word ‗obey‘ is
Ans. Obedience. 
The noun form of ‗please‘ is
Ans. Pleasure. 
What is the noun form of the word ‗refuse‘? 
Ans. Refusal. 
The noun of the word ‗remove‘ is
Ans. Removal. 
What is the verb of ‗hand‘? 
Ans. Hand. 
What is the verb of ‗play‘? 
Ans. Play. 
The word ‗massacre‘ is
Ans. both noun and adjective. 
The adjective of ‗blood‘ is
Ans. Bloody. 
The adjective of ‗circle‘ is
Ans. Circular. 
What is the adjective of ‗contempt‘? 
Ans. Contemptible. 
The adjective form of ‗Coward‘ is
Ans. Cowardly. 
What is the adjective of ‗envy‘? 
Ans. Envious. 
The adjective of ‗hardness‘ is
Ans. Hard. 
What is the adjective of ‗might‘? 
Ans. Mighty. 
The adjective of ‗Ox‘ is
Ans. Bovine. 
What is the adjective of ‗passion‘? 
Ans. Passionate. 
The adjective of ‗people‘ is
Ans. Populous. 
What is the adjective of the word ‗Sea‘? 
Ans. Marine. 
The adjective of ‗Trouble‘ is
Ans. Troublesome. 
What is the verb of ‗courage‘? 
Ans. Encourage. 
What is the verb of the word ‗dark‘? 
Ans. Darken. 
The verb of the word ‗false‘ is
Ans. Falsify. 
What is the verb of the word ‗full‘? 
Ans. Fill. 
The verb form of the word ‗habit‘ is
Ans. Habituate. 
The verb of the word ‗new‘ is
Ans. Renew. 
What is the verb of the word ‗numbering‘ is-
Ans. Number. 
The verb of ‗peace‘ is
Ans. Pacify. 
What is the verb of ‗popular‘? 
Ans. Popularize. 
The verb form of ‗Prison‘ is
Ans. Imprison. 
What is the verb of the word ‗sale‘ 
Ans. Sell.

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