Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Correct Spelling | Sentence Correction - EDesk Job eTutorials Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Correct Spelling | Sentence Correction - EDesk Job eTutorials



Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Correct Spelling | Sentence Correction

Correct Spelling|Sentence Correction

Correct Spelling Sentence Correction

Correct Spelling

Some important spelling from the previous exams

Accessible, Assumption, Acknowledgement, Ascertain, Accelerate. 
Business, Beachcomber, Bureaucrat, Bureau 
Condescension, Curable, Conscientious, Committee. 
Diarrhoea/Diarrhea, Dauber, Definition, Dysentery. 
Grievance, Gratitude, Grotesque, Guillotine. 
Heterogeneous, Humorous, Haughty, Harmonious, Handcuff. 
Irresistible, Imperial. 
Lieutenant. M: Misspell, Mischievous. 
Parallel, Personnel, Privilege.
Relevant, Remittance, Receive. 
Supersede, Sovereignty. 

Sentence Correction 

What is the correct sentence of ‗ He appeared for the examination‘?
Ans. He appeared at the examination 
Which is the correct sentence of ‗ He is as good as me?
Ans. He is as good as I. 
The correct sentence of ‗ The man whom stole my bag was tall‘ is
Ans. The man who stole my bag was tall. 
Which is the correct sentence of ‗ The old sailor saw the popple to walk past him? 
Ans. The old sailor saw the people walking past him 
The correct sentence of ‗ My father was in hospital for six weeks in the summer‘ is
Ans. My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. 
The correct sentence of ‗ we get up in dawn‘ is
Ans. We get up at dawn 
He resembles to his father. The correct sentence of it is
Ans. He resembles his father.
The correct sentence of ‗ Maria my student is on leave today‘ is— 
Ans. Maria, my student, is on leave today 
The correct sentence of ‗ Time and tide waits for none‘ is
Ans. Time and tide wait for none. 
The correct sentence of ‗ He was absent in the meeting‘ is
Ans. He was absent from the meeting. 
What is the correct sentence of ‗ He has assured me for safety‘? Ans.: He has assured me of safety. 
The correct sentence of ‗His failure resulted in lack of attention‘ is
Ans.: His failure resulted for lack of attention 
What is the correct sentence of ‗He went there by foot? 
Ans.: He went there on foot 
The correct sentence of ‗The Lake Chilka is in Orissa‘ is
Ans.: Lake Chilka is in Orissa.

Incorrect sentence  Correct sentence

Incorrect sentence: He succeeded to win the prize. 
Correct sentence: He succeeded in winning the prize 
Incorrect sentence: I wish I was in Europe
Correct sentence: I wish I were in Europe 
Incorrect sentence: She found the boy cried. 
Correct sentence: She found the boy crying. 
Incorrect sentence: I have already read the books for two times. Correct sentence: I have already read this book twice. 
Incorrect sentence: The train is running in time. 
Correct sentence: The train is running on time. 
Incorrect sentence: Neither of those mattresses feel comfortable. Correct sentence: Neither of those mattresses feels comfortable. 
Incorrect sentence: Can you give me a advice? 
Correct sentence: Can you give an advice? 
Incorrect sentence: He is not in the committee. 
Correct sentence: He is not on the committee 
Incorrect sentence: My brother is a M.A. 
Correct sentence: My brother is an M.A. 
Incorrect sentence: He is very good in mathematics. 
Correct sentence: He is very good at mathematics
Incorrect sentence: Masud knows to swim. 
Correct sentence: Masud knows how to swim 
Incorrect sentence: He is working hard for stand first. 
Correct sentence: He is working hard to stand first. 
Incorrect sentence: He is my older brother. 
Correct sentence: He is my elder brother 
Incorrect sentence: He copied the answer word to word. 
Correct sentence: He copied the answer word for word. 
Incorrect sentence: He has a monopoly for the trade. 
Correct sentence: He has a monopoly of the trade. 
Incorrect sentence: One of the passer-bys rescued her. 
Correct sentence: One of the passersby rescued her. 
Incorrect sentence: He refrained him to attend his office.
Correct sentence: He refrained him from attending his office 
Incorrect sentence: He was hunged for murder.
Correct sentence: He was hanged for murder 
Incorrect sentence: He is angry at me. 
Correct sentence: He is angry with me. 
Incorrect sentence: The more he gets , more he wants.
Correct sentence: The more he gets, the more he wants. 
Incorrect sentence: I have bought a bar of soap yesterday. 
Correct sentence: I bought a bar of soap yesterday 
Incorrect sentence: He was very clever to miss the train. 
Correct sentence: He was too clever to miss the train. 
Incorrect sentence: Sharif absented himself of the college. 
Correct sentence: Sharif absented himself from the college.. 
Incorrect sentence: Why have you do this ? 
Correct sentence: Why have you done this? 
Incorrect sentence: He is senior than me for five years. 
Correct sentence: He is senior to me for five years. 
Incorrect sentence: Let you and him be witness. 
Correct sentence: Let you and him be witnesses.
Incorrect sentence: Everybody have gone there. 
Correct sentence: Everybody has gone there. 
Incorrect: I come here for learning English. 
Correct: I come here to learn English. 
Incorrect: He says he is not afraid of nobody. 
Correct : He says he is afraid of nobody. Or, He says he is not afraid of anybody. 
Incorrect : I was absent one time or two times. 
Correct : I was absent once or twice. 
Incorrect : A day a fox was very hungry. 
Correct: One day a fox was very hungry. 
Incorrect: The more people will agree with me. 
Correct : Most people will agree with me. 
Incorrect: I spend my holidays in a country. 
Correct : I spend my holidays in the country. 
Incorrect: Any of these two books is good. 
Correct : Either of these two books is good. 
Incorrect: He speaks neither English or French. 
Correct : He speaks neither English nor French. 
Incorrect: Either Rajib nor Mary will do the work. 
Correct : Either Rajib or Mary will do the work. 
Incorrect: Both of them did not go to school. 
Correct : Neither of them went to school. 
Incorrect: Do your work without to speak. 
Correct : Do your work without speaking. 
Incorrect: He is quite capable to do that. 
Correct: He is quite capable ofdoing that. 
Incorrect: Mary is able of doing the work. 
Correct : Mary is able to do the work. 
Incorrect: I object to be treated like this. 
Correct : I object to being treated like this. 
Incorrect: Rajib is used to get up early. 
Correct: Rajib is used to getting up early.

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