Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Parts of Speech - EDesk Job eTutorials Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Parts of Speech - EDesk Job eTutorials



Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech: 

Job Exam Parts of Speech Short Suggestion
1. ‗ A lost opportunity never returns.‘ Here ‗lost‘ is a/an-
 Ans. Participle.
2. ‗Please write to me at the above address.‘ Here the word ‗above‘ is what kind of parts of speech?
 Ans. Adjective. 
3. ‗A retired officer lives next door.‘ Here the underlined word is used as a/an - 
Ans. Participle.
 4. The sun went down. The underlined word is used here as/an
Ans. Adverb. 
5. ‗Reading is an excellent habit‘ Here the underlined word is a – 
 Ans. Gerund.
 6. A rolling stone gathers no moss.‘ Here the word ‗rolling‘ is a/an
Ans. Participle. 
7. What kind of noun ‗Mutton‘ is? 
Ans. Material Noun. 
8. What kind of pronoun ‗either‘ is?
Ans. Distributive Pronoun. 
9. ‗Strike while the iron is hot.‘ What kind of clause is it? 
Ans. Adverbial clause. 
10. What type of noun is kindness? 
Ans. Abstract Noun. 
11. Rahim always run quite fast. Here ‗always‘ is a/an
Ans. Adverb. 
12. What is the verb of the word ‗Simplification‘ ? 
Ans. Simplify.
 13. What is the correct noun form of the word ‗important‘? 
Ans. Importance. 
14. What kind of noun is ‗river‘? 
Ans. Common Noun. 
15. What kind of noun is ‗ cattle‘? 
Ans. Collective noun. 
16. He works hard. Here the word ‗hard‘ is what kind of parts of speech? 
Ans. Adverb. 
17. I kwon him better. What kind of parts of speech the underlined word is? 
Ans. Adverb. 
18. What is the verb form of ‗open‘? 
Ans. Reopen. 19. What is the verb form of the word ‗short‘? 
Ans. Shorten.
20. What kind of parts of speech the word ‗vital‘ is? 
Ans. Adjective. 
21. What is the noun form of the word ‗ Fly‘ is? 
Ans. Flight. 
22. What is the adjective form of the word ‗ obligate‘? 
Ans. Obligatory.
 23. What is the noun form of ‗ Accept‘? 
Ans. Acceptance. 
What is the countable noun of ‗laughter‘? 
Ans. Laugh. 
24. What is the adjective of the word ‗Heart‘? 
Ans. Hearty/Heartening. 
25. What type of parts of speech is ‗frequency‘? 
Ans. Noun. 
26. He sleeps a sound sleep. Here the word ‗sound‘ is a/an
Ans. Adjective. 
27. What type of pronoun is ‗Library‘? 
Ans. Collective noun. 
28. ‗He has done no wrong.‘ What type of parts of speech is the underlined word? 
Ans. Noun. 
29. What is the adjective form of the word ‗decision‘?
 Ans. Decisive. 
30. What is the noun of ‗deny‘? Ans. Denial. 
31. What kind of pronoun is the word ‗Myself‘?
 Ans. Reflexive pronoun. 
32. Jamal did not join the army. Here the word ‗Army‘ is a/an – 
Ans. Collective noun. 
33. What type of noun the word is ‗Chemistry‘? 
Ans. Abstract noun. 
34. What type of pronoun is ‗anybody‘ ? 
Ans. Indefinite pronoun. 
35. What type of parts of speech is the word ‗American‘? 
Ans. Both noun and pronoun. 
36. What type of parts of speech is the word ‗someday‘? 
Ans. Adverb. 
37. What type of noun is the word ‗infancy‘.? 
Ans. Abstract noun. 
38. What kind of noun is the word ‗infant‘.? 
Ans. Common noun. 
39. He writes a letter. In this sentence, what type of verb is the word ‗write‘?
 Ans. Transitive verb. 
40. What is the verb form of the word ‗Fame‘/
Ans. Defame. 
41. ‗He is a better worker than I.‘ Here the word ‗better‘ is a/an
Ans. Adjective. 
42. What is the verb form of ‗able‘? 
Ans. Enable. 
43. What type of parts of speech is the word ‗Resolute‘? 
Ans. Adjective. 
44. The door opened automatically. The verb in this sentence is –
Ans. Intransitive verb. 
45. What is the adjective of the word ‗Tax. 
Ans. Taxable. 
46. What type of noun is the word ‗cattle‘.? 
Ans. Collective noun. 
47. The word ‗Special‘ is what type of parts of speech? 
Ans. Adjective. 
48. What type of noun is the word ‗agency‘.? 
Abstract noun.
49. What type of noun is the word ‗Bank‘? 
Ans. Common noun. 
50. Dhaka is a big city. Here what type of noun is the word ‗city‘? 
Ans. Common noun. 
51. What type of noun the word is ‗Committee‘.? 
Ans. Collective noun. 
52. The police dispersed the crowd. In this sentence, what type of noun is the word ‗crowd‘.? 
Ans. Collective noun. 
53. The elephant has great strength. Here the word ‗elephant‘ is a/an
Ans. Common noun. 
54. Ali saw a flock of sheep. In this sentence , the word ‗flock‘ is a/an
Ans. Collective noun. 
55. Forgiveness is a great virtue. In this sentence, the word ‗forgiveness‘ is a/an
Ans. Abstract onun. 
56. This necklace is made of gold. In this sentence, what kind of noun is the word ‗Gold‘? 
Ans. Material noun. 
57. ‗Without health, there is no happiness.‘ Here word ‗Happiness‘ is
Ans. Abstract noun. 
58. What type of noun ‗Height‘? 
Ans. Abstract noun. 
59. Honesty in the best policy. Here the word ‗Honesty‘ is a/an
Ans. Abstract noun. 
60. ‗Iron is a useful metal‘. In this sentence , what type of noun is the word ‗iron‘? 
Ans. Material noun.
61. The jury found the prisoner guilty. Here the word ‗jury‘ is what type of noun? 
Ans. Collective noun. 
62. What is the abstract form of the word ‗King‘? 
Ans. Kingship. 
63. What kind of noun is the word ‗Manhood‘.? 
Ans. Abstract noun. 
64. Drive the nail into the table. Here the word ‗table‘ is
Ans. Common noun. 
65. What type of noun is the word ‗paper‘? 
Ans. Material noun. 
66. The word ‗pirate‘ is an example of – 
Ans. Common noun. 
67. What type of noun is the word ‗salt‘? 
Ans. Material noun. 
68. ‗Our team is better than yours‘ In this sentence, what kind of noun is the word ‗team‘? 
Ans. Collective noun. 
69. Truth must prevail in the long run. Here what kind of noun the word ‗Truth‘ is? 
Ans. Abstract noun. 
70. ‗Wood‘ is an example of – 
Ans. Material noun. 
71. We could not buy anything because none of the shops was open. Here what kind of parts of speech is the word ‗none‘?
 Ans. Pronoun. 
72. Who, What, Which, Whom are what type of pronoun? 
Ans. Relative pronoun. 
73. What type of parts of speech is the word ‗special‘? 
Ans. Adjective. 
74. Am, is, are, was, were, has, shall and will are what type of verb? 
Ans. Auxiliary verb. 
75. What kind of parts of speech is the word ‗Feed‘? 
Ans. Verb. 
76. Mother loves me. Here ‗loves‘ is an example of –
Ans. Transitive verb. 
77. Mother laughs. In this sentence, ‘laugh‘ is an example of
Ans. Intransitive verb. 
78. A swimming snake bit him in the leg. Here ‗swimming‘ is
Ans. Participle. 
79. What is the past participle form of the word ‗Bear‘? 
Ans. Born. 
80. What is the past participle form the word ‗Drink‘? 
Ans. Drunk. 
81. What is the past participle form of ‗Put‘? 
Ans. Put. 
82. What will be the past tense form of the word ‗ring‘? 
Ans. Rang. 
83. I have lost the watch, it will … be found. What will be the appropriate adverb in the gap? 
Ans. Never. 
84. He relieved me…anxiety. What will be the right preposition in the gap? 
Ans. From. 
85. The government has extended a warm welcome …the visiting delegation. Here the correct preposition will be
Ans. To. 
86. ‗I have no pen to write…..‘ What is the appropriate preposition in the gap? 
Ans. With. 
87. I attend …..office punctually. What will be right preposition in the gap? Ans. At. 
88. Our school is … the main road. Here the correct preposition will be
Ans. To. 
89. He is not …. Home today. What will be the correct preposition in the gap? 
Ans. At. 
90. Hurry up! We have to go … five minutes. In the gap, right preposition will beAns. In. 
91. What is the time …. your watch? In the gap , what will be the appropriate preposition? 
Ans. By. 
92. I went there…. My bike. Here the correct preposition will be
Ans. On. 
93. Rashed will come to Bangladesh… plane. What is the right preposition? 
Ans. By. 
94. We need two hundred dollars …. This to pay for everything. In this sentence, the correct preposition will beAns. Besides. 
95. Glass is made …. Bottles. Here the right preposition will be
Ans. Of. 
96. ‗Among‘ is a preposition that is used when…. People are involved. What is the appropriate word to fill in the gap? 
Ans. More than two. 
97. Our teacher told the monitor to hand out scripts …. The class. In this sentence, the correct preposition will be – 
Ans. Among. 
98. He has been ill…. Friday last. In the gap the right preposition will beAns. Since. 
99. ‗And‘ , ‗or‘ etc. are what type of parts of speech? 
Ans. Conjunction. 
100. He is poor but honest. Here the word ‗but‘ is a/an
Ans. Conjunction. 
102.Neither corporations…. Government agencies had quick solutions. What will be right conjunction in the gap will be? 
Ans. Nor. 
102. Maruf likes oranges ….he does not like apple. In the gap, what will be appropriate conjunction?
 Ans. But. 
103. He told us about the battle. Here the word ‗about‘ is a/an
Ans. Preposition. 
104. After the storm comes the calm. Here , what type of parts of speech is the word ‗After‘?
 Ans. Preposition. 
105. The adjective took place long ago. Here the word ‗ago‘ is a/an
Ans. Adverb. 
106. Man cannot live alone. Here , what type of parts of speech is the word ‗alone‘? 
Ans. Adverb. 
107. What type of parts of speech ‗beautiful‘ is? 
Ans. Adjective. 
108. Down went the Titanic. In the sentence, the word ‗down‘ is a/an – 
Ans. Adverb. 
109. What type of parts of speech is the word ‗everything‘? 
Ans. Pronoun. 
110. He kept the fast for a week. Here, the word ‗fast‘ is used as a/an
Ans. Noun. 
111. What type of parts of speech is the word ‗Homely‘? 
Ans. Adjective. 
112. Suddenly one of the wheels came off. In this sentence, the word ‗off‘ is used as a/an
Ans. Adverb. 
113. What type of parts of speech is the word ‗reproduction‘? Ans. Noun. 
114. Still waters run deep. Here the word ‗Still‘ is a/an
Ans. Adjective. 
115. Akbar still works in that office. What type of parts of speech is the word ‗still‘ in the sentence? 
Ans. Adverb. 
116. The bird sings sweetly. Here the word ‗sweetly‘ is a/an
Ans. Adverb. 
117. The up train is late. In this sentence, the word ‗up‘ is a/an
Ans. Adjective. 
118. Sit down and rest a while. What type of parts of speech is the word ‗while‘ ? 
Ans. Noun. 
119. I will watch TV while you sleep. Here the word ‗while‘ is a/an
Ans. Conjunction. 

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