Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Tense | Right Forms of Verbs - EDesk Job eTutorials Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Tense | Right Forms of Verbs - EDesk Job eTutorials



Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Tense | Right Forms of Verbs

Tense | Right Forms of Verbs

suggestion Tense and Right Forms of Verbs

Tense are mainly of – 
Ans. Three types.
When water …it turns into ice. 
Ans. Freezes. 
He had written the book before he….- 
Ans. Retired. 
The prices of rice are….- 
Ans. Rising. 
What is the past participle form of the word ‗do‘? 
Ans. Did.
What is the ‗ing‘ form of the verb ‗singe‘? 
Ans. Singeing. 
I have …..my supper. 
Ans. Had. 
What is the past tense of the verb ‗swing‘? 
Ans. Swung. 
What is the past participle form of the verb ‗fell‘? 
Ans. Felled. 
What is the present verb form of the word ‗sworn‘? 
Ans. Swear. 
Salam had a house.‘ What type of tense is it? 
Ans. Past indefinite tense. 
What is the past form of the word ‗wear‘? 
Ans. Wore. 
What is the tense of a verb mainly related to? 
Ans. Times. 
What is the past participle form of the verb ‗spread‘ ? 
Ans. Spread. 
What is the past participle form of ‗split‘? 
Ans. Split. 
What is the past form of the verb ‗wring‘? 
Ans. Wrung. 
As the sun …., I decided to go out. 
Ans. Was shining. 
What is the past participle form of ‗put‘? 
Ans. Put. 
What is the correct past participle form of ‗drink‘? 
Ans. Drunk. 
I have had the news.‘ What type of tense is it? 
Ans. Past perfect tense. 
When I saw the gardener , he ….tree. 
Ans. Was cutting down. 
Kamrun arrived while I ….the dinner. 
Ans. Was cooking. 
The train….from Rangpur. 
Ans. Has already arrived. 
Rabindranath‘s stories often ….surprise ending. 
Ans. Have.
It is 11 am now. The sun …..in the eastern sky. 
Ans. Is shining. 
I have received your letter.‘ What type of tense is it? 
Ans. Present perfect tense. 
I ….him only one letter up to now. 
Ans. Have sent. 
I (to lie) on the floor for three hours. What is the correct sentence of the tense? 
Ans. I have been lying on the floor for three hours. 
I (to live) here since 1990. The correct sentence is – 
Ans. I have been living here since 1990. 
He ….here yesterday. Ans. Came. 
What you (to do) last night.‘ The right tense is – 
Ans. Did you do. 
The doctor ….after the patient had died. 
Ans. Came. 
We shall return home before the sun….- 
Ans. Sets. 
I ….to meet you ever since I read your first novel. 
Ans. Have hoped. 
It is high time you….up smoking. 
Ans. Gave. 
I wish you …the problem. 
Ans. Could solve. 
I wish I …the wings of a bird. 
Ans. Had. 
He talks as if he (to be mad). 
Ans. He talks as if he were a mad. 
He talks as if he ( to know) everything. 
Ans. He talks as if he knew everything. 
I wish I ( to be) you. 
Ans. I wish I were you. 
….I the wings of a bird! 
Ans. Had. 
Had I ….his name before. 
Ans. Known. 
He insisted on my (to go) there. 
Ans. Going. 
Would you mind ( open) the window. 
Ans. Opening. 
I am looking forward to (see) you. 
Ans. Seeing. 
I heard the baby (to cry) for its mother. 
Ans. Crying. 
The teacher asked the students to stop ( to write). 
Ans. Writing
The invigilator made us…our identity card. 
Ans. Show. 
We were watching the news when the telephone ….- 
Ans. Rang. 
Scarcely had he come ….it started raining. 
Ans. When. 
He ran fast lest he …miss the train. 
Ans. Should. 
He asked me if I ( to pass) the examination. 
Ans. Had passed 
I suggested that he …there. 
Ans. Go. 
The goods ( to be) of inferior quality. 
Ans. Are. 
The mob…dispersed. 
Ans. Has. 
I and he ( to be) well. 
Ans. Are. 
Fire and water not agree. 
Ans. Fire and water do not agree. 
Fifty miles ….a long distance. 
Ans. Is. 
Three-fourth of the work …finished. 
Ans. Has been. 
All of the people at the conference are
Ans. Mathematics teachers. 
Either you or he (to be) to blame. 
Ans. Is. 
Today …people who enjoy cricket is bigger than that of thirty years ago. 
Ans. The number of. 
One of my friends (to be) a layer. 
Ans. Is. 
At least one of the students ….full marks every time. 
Ans. Gets. 
Neither of the roads (to lead) to the railway station. 
Ans. Leads. 
Time and tide …for none. 
Ans. Wait. 
Slow and steady …the race. 
Ans. Wins. 
A reward has been announced for the employees who ( to work) hard. 
Ans. Have worked. 
Karim as well as Rahim (to deserve) praise. 
Ans. Deserves. 
The poor (to be) always dishonest. 
Ans. Are. 
If you help me, I ….grateful to you.
Ans. Will remain. 
If we had a boat , we….the river. 
Ans. Would cross. 
If I…. you, I would never do it. 
Ans. Were. 
Have you ever ….London? 
Ans. Been to. 
We must not be late, else we will miss the train.‘- what kind of sentence is it? 
Ans. Compound. 
Though he is poor , he is honest.‘ What is the compound form of this sentence? 
Ans. He is poor but honest. 
What is the compound sentence of ‗ I saw him going to market.‘?
Ans. I saw him and he was going to market. 
Do or die‘ is a
Ans. Compound sentence. 
Attend the class‘ is an example of – 
Ans. Imperative sentence. 
His father is rich but simple‘ is an example of
Ans. Compound sentence. 
If you read , you will learn.‘ This is an example of – 
Ans. Complex sentence. 
May God help you.‘ What kind of sentence is this? 
Ans. Optative sentence. 
He tried his best.‘ What will be the negative form of this sentence? Ans. He left no stone unturned. 
What is the simple sentence of ‗move or die? 
Ans. In case of your failure to move , you will die. 
I went there to seek a job.‘ The compound form of this sentence is
Ans. I went there and sought a job. 
Cricket is an exciting game.‘ What will be the exclamatory sentence of it? 
Ans. What an exciting game cricket is! 
Unless you work hard, you will not succeed.‘ The compound form of the sentence is
Ans. Work hard or you will not succeed. 
You must work hard for success.‘ The compound form is
Ans. Work hard and you will succeed. 
A simple sentence consists of
Ans. One clause. 
I wish you success in life.‘ What type of sentence is it? 
Ans. Optative.
Although he is poor, he is honest.‘ The simple form of this sentence is
Ans. In spite of his poverty he is honest. 
I know where he lives.‘ This is a
Ans. Complex sentence. 
Please bring me a cup of tea.‘ What kind of sentence is it? 
Ans. Imperative. 
A child likes sweets only.‘ What is the negative form of the sentence? 
Ans. A child likes nothing but sweets. 
No one can do it.‘ The interrogative form of this sentence is
Ans. Can anyone do it? 
He reads the book.‘ What will be the interrogative sentence of it? Ans. Doesn‘t he read the book? 
If I knew this before! Is an
Ans. Exclamatory sentence. 
Oh! That I would get this job.‘ This is an
Ans. Exclamatory sentence. 
The garden is very beautiful.‘ What will be exclamatory form of this sentence? 
Ans. How beautiful the garden is!
In spite of his poverty he is happy.‘ What kind of sentence is this? Ans. Simple.

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