Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | The Number | The Gender | Article - EDesk Job eTutorials Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | The Number | The Gender | Article - EDesk Job eTutorials



Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | The Number | The Gender | Article

The Number | The Gender | Article

English short suggestion  The Number  The Gender Article

The Number

What is the plural form of the word ‗Aircraft‘? 
Ans. Aircraft. 
What is the plural form of the word ‗Louse‘? 
Ans. Lice. 
What is the plural form of the word ‗radius‘? 
Ans. Radii. 
Oases‘ is the plural number of the word
Ans. Oasis. 
What is the appropriate plural form of the word‘ stratum‘? 
Ans. Strata.
What is the plural form of the word ‗deer‘? 
Ans. Deer. 
Alumni‘ is a plural word. What is its singular word? 
Ans. Alumnus. 
What is the plural form of the word ‗Phenomenon‘? 
Ans. Phenomena. 
The word ‗Ethics‘ is a
Ans. Singular number. 
What is the plural form of the word ‗Mr.‘? 
Ans. Messrs. 
Crisis‘ is a singular number. What is its plural number? 
Ans. Crises. 
What is the plural form of the word ‗Hero‘? 
Ans. Heroes. 
The singular form of the word ‗data‘- 
Ans. Datum. 
What is the plural form of ‗bureau‘? 
Ans. Bureaux. 
What is the plural form of ‗Fez‘? 
Ans. Fezes/Fezzes. 
The plural form of ‗mouse‘ is
Ans. Mice. 
What is the plural of ‗it‘? 
Ans. They. 
The word ‗bread‘ is always used as
Ans. Singular. 
Formula‘ is a singular number. What is its plural number? 
Ans. Formulae/Formulas. 
What is the singular form of ‗leaves‘? 
Ans. Leaf. 
The plural form of the word ‗Nucleus‘- 
Ans. Nuclei/Nucleuses. 
What is the singular number of the word ‗indices‘? 
Ans. Index. 
What is the plural form of ‗Fungus‘? 
Ans. Fungi. 
We need to buy some new furniture/furniturs/furnitures. Here what will be the correct form number? 
Ans. Furniture. 
What is the plural of ‗Genius‘? 
Ans. Genii/Geniuses. 
What will be the plural form of the word ‗Canon‘? 
Ans. Canon. 
What is the plural of ‗Thief‘? 
Ans. Thieves.

The Gender

How many types of gender are there? 
Ans. Four types. 
Masculine, feminine, common and neuter gender. 
What is the feminine form of ‗lad‘?
Ans. Lass.
A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female is called
Ans. Neuter gender. 
The word ‗moon‘ is always used as – 
Ans. Feminine gender.
What type of gender is the word ‗nun‘? 
Ans. Feminine. 
What is the feminine gender of the word ‗drone‘? 
Ans. Bee. 
What type of gender is the word ‗teacher‘? 
Ans. Common gender. 
What type of gender is the word ‗drake‘? 
Ans. Masculine Gender. 
What is the opposite gender of ‗deer‘? 
Ans. Doe. 
What type of gender is the word ‗witch‘? 
Ans. Feminine gender. 
What is the feminine form of the word ‗Author‘? 
Ans. Authoress. 
What is the feminine of ‗Ram‘? 
Ans. Ewe. 
Duchess‘ is a feminine gender. What is its masculine gender? 
Ans. Duke. 
The word ‗spouse‘ refers to – 
Ans. Both masculine and feminine gender. 
What type of gender is the word ‗Sow‘? 
Ans. Masculine Gender. 
What is the feminine gender of ‗Colt‘? 
Ans. Filly. 
What type of gender is ‗Stag‘? 
Ans. Masculine gender. 
What is the feminine form of the word ‗Horse‘? 
Ans. Mare. 
What will be the feminine gender of the word ‗Administrator‘? 
Ans. Administratrix.


What are called ‗A‘, ‗An‘, ‗The‘? 
Ans. Article. 
Article is used based on
Ans. Pronunciation. 
What type of article is ‗The‘? 
Ans. Definite article. 
What is the most frequently used English word in writing? 
Ans. The. 
He went to –hospital because he had –heart attack. What will be the appropriate article in the gaps? 
Ans. No article, A. 
He leads –most unhappy life. 
Ans. A.
The king left….heir. 
Ans. An. 
He is ….MBBS. 
Ans. An. 
This is ….unique opportunity. 
Ans. A. 
He is ….FRCS. 
Ans. An. 
 He is dramatist of the day. 
Ans. The. 
England is …..European country. 
Ans. A. 
This is ….useful book for reference. 
Ans. A. 
He lives ….comfortable life. 
Ans. A. 
He prefers …European country. 
Ans. A. 
…….English speak English. 
Ans. The. 
At last the beast in him got…..upper hand. 
Ans. The. 
He is ….European. 
Ans. A. 
Meter is ….unit of length. 
Ans. A. 
Honesty is ….best policy. 
Ans. The. 
….airport is a busy place. 
Ans. The. 
Dhaka in on ….Buriganga. 
Ans. The. 
……Lake Chilka is in Orissa. What will be the correct article in the gap? 
Ans. No article. 
….dog is a faithful animal. 
Ans. The. 
He speaks English like…..English. 
Ans. The. 
…….Lion is a ferocious animal. 
Ans. The. 
The more he gets,….more he wants. 
Ans. The. 
I saw …..one-eyed beggar. 
Ans. A. 
…..Padma is the longest river in Bangladesh
Ans. The. 
You are ….pride of Bangladesh
Ans. The. 
I decided to go for ….walk with my friends as I needed some exercise. 
Ans. A. 
He received …wound. 
Ans. A.

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