Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Voice Change | Degree | Narration - EDesk Job eTutorials Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Voice Change | Degree | Narration - EDesk Job eTutorials



Exam Suggestion | Subject - English short suggestion | Voice Change | Degree | Narration

Voice Change|Degree|Narration

NTRCA Exam Englisg

Voice Change

What is the correct passive voice of ‗Who is calling me?‘ 
Ans. By whom am I being called? 
Identify the correct passive form of ‗It is impossible to do this. Ans. This is impossible to be done. 
What is the correct passive form of ‗ You must shut these doors.? Ans. These doors must be shut. 
What is the passive structure of ‗They pleased us.‘? 
Ans. We were pleased with him. 
The passive form of ‗we called him a fool‘ is
Ans. He was called a fool by us. 
What is the passive form of the sentence ‗your behavior pleased us.? 
Ans. We were pleased with your behavior. 
What is the correct passive form of ‗I saw him go to the garden.‘? Ans. He was seen to go to the garden. 
He heard her sing.‘ The passive form of this sentence is
Ans. She was heard to sing by him. 
What is the passive structure of ‗ never waste time.‘?
Ans. Let not time be ever wasted. 
The passive form of ‗He is writing a letter‘ is
Ans. A letter is being written by him. 
What is the passive voice of ‗Don‘t do it‘? 
Ans. Let not it be done. 
The passive form of ‗Do not shut the door‘ is
Ans. Let not the door be shut. 
The correct passive voice of ‗who opened the door? is
Ans. By whom was the door opened? 
Identify the correct passive voice of ‗ let me write a letter.‘ 
Ans. Let a letter be written by me. 
I saw him play‘ the passive form of this sentence is
Ans. He was seen to play by me. 
His behavior surprised me‘ the passive form of it is
Ans. I was surprised at his behavior. 
What is the passive form of ‗ he made me laugh‘? 
Ans. I was made to laugh by him. 
The correct passive voice of ‗I know him‘ is
Ans. He is known to me. 
Who is creating the mess.‘ The passive form of this sentence is
Ans. By whom is this mess being created? 
We made her recite a poem.‘ The correct passive voice of it is
Ans. She was made to recite a poem. 
Let the book read by you.‘ What is the active voice of it? Ans. Read the book. 
Some children were helping the wounded man.‘ The passive form of it is
Ans. The wounded man was being helped by some children. 
He is going to open a shop.‘ The passive of this sentence is
Ans. A shop is going to be opened by him. 
Who did this?‘ what is the passive voice of it? 
Ans. By whom was this done? 
The correct passive form of ‗ I have to do it‘ is – 
Ans. It has to be done by me. 
His behavior worried us.‘ The passive voice of it is
Ans. We were worried by his behavior. 
The passive voice of ‗who gave you this pen‘? 
Ans. By whom were you given this pen? 
What is the passive voice of ‗Fortune favours the brave‘? 
Ans. The brave are favoured by fortune.
You should keep your promise.‘ The passive form of it is
Ans. Your promises should be kept by you. 
We ought to obey our parents.‘ The correct passive voice of this sentence is
Ans. Our parents ought to be obeyed by us. 
My uncle looks after me.‘ The appropriate passive form of it is
Ans. I am looked after by my uncle. 
She fans herself.‘ What is the correct passive form of this sentence? 
Ans. She is fanned by herself. 
They elected him captain.‘ The passive voice of it is
Ans. He was elected captain by them. 
The pill tastes bitter.‘ The passive of this sentence is – 
Ans. The pill is bitter when it is tasted. 
What is the passive of ‗I know that he did the work.? 
Ans. It is known to me that the work was done by him. 
Panic seized the writer.‘ The passive of it is
Ans. The writer was seized with panic.


The word ‗much‘ is an example of
Ans. comparative degree. 
Of the two girls, Muri is ….intelligent. 
Ans. More. 
Less‘ is an example of – 
Ans. comparative degree. 
The superlative degree of the word ‗bad‘ is
Ans. Worst. 
The word ‗least‘ is a – 
Ans. Superlative degree. 
The word ‗least‘ is the superlative degree of – 
Ans. little. 
It is more than honesty.‘ The positive of it is
Ans. Honesty is not as much as it.
Of the four books , the red one is the ….- 
Ans. Cheapest. 
The headmaster is the …person in the village. 
Ans. Wisest. 
The chain was …than we thought. 
Ans. Stronger. 
The roads of Dhaka are wider…. 
Ans. than those of Sylhet.
Rajshahi is ….sugar growing areas in Bangladesh
Ans. One of the largest. 
I prefer tea…coffee. 
Ans. To.


The indirect narration of ―why have you beaten my dog? He said to me.‘ is – 
Ans. He demanded of me why I had beaten his dog. 
What is the indirect speech of ‗Karim sais, ―I know this boy? Ans. Karim said that he knew that boy. 
He said to me, ―Thank you. What is the indirect narration of this sentence is
Ans. He thanked me. 
I said to him, ―Is he a doctor? – the indirect narration of the sentence is
Ans. I asked him whether he was a doctor. 
The old man said, ―Curse the flood. What is the indirect speech of this sentence? 
Ans. The old man cursed the flood. 
The teacher said that, ―Thank you, my boys. The indirect speech is – 
Ans. The teacher thanked the boys.
What is the correct indirect speech of ―He said,‘ The train reached at eleven‘ 
Ans. He said that the train had reached at eleven. 
What will be the correct indirect form of ‗He said, ―I am well? Ans. He said that he was well. 
He said , ―I shall go to office. The indirect speech of it is
Ans. He said that he would go to school. 
He said that he had done the work.‘ The direct speech of the sentence is
Ans. He said, ―He did the work.
He said , ―What a piety! The indirect speech of this sentence is
Ans. He exclaimed that it was a great piety. 
The captain ordered the soldiers to march on.‘ The direct speech of it is
Ans. The captain said to the soldiers, ―March on.
Kamal said to me, ―What is your name? The indirect speech of the sentence is
Ans. Kamal asked me what my name was. 
He addressed Mr. Rahman and wished him good morning.‘ What
will be the direct speech of this sentence? 
Ans. He said. ―Good morning, Mr. Rahman. 
She asked me, ― Are you happy in your new job? The correct indirect speech is
Ans. She asked me if I was happy in my new job. 
She said, ―Let me come in. what is the indirect speech of this sentence? 
Ans. She requested that she might come in. 
He said to me, ―May you be happy.
Ans. He wished that I might be happy. 
He said , ―I have been working since the sunrise What is the indirect speech of this sentence? 
Ans. He said that he had been working since the morning. 
He said to me, ― Let us go home together. The indirect speech of this sentence is
Ans. He proposed to me that we should go home together. 
My friends advised me to lock my room.‘ What type of narration is it? 
Ans. Indirect narration
How dare you wake me up? The lion roared at the mouse. What is the indirect form of this sentence? 
Ans. The lion roared and asked the mouse how it dared to wake him up. 
I will have a cup of tea‖ my father said ―because I‘m not hungry. The correct indirect narration of this sentence is
Ans. My father said that he would have a cup of tea because he was not hungry. 
He said to me, ―how did you do it? The indirect speech of this sentence is
Ans. He enquired of me how I had done it.

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